Head count for raa east 2018

I thought the Hub was awesome.

Awesome location for sure, the last time there it was getting pretty seedy. I think Nolten and some other people went and helped them with some repairs awhile back. It's a shame they are letting it go to heck. That place could be a gem with an infusion of $$$$.
Well Friday nite I'll let ya'll eat some REAL ribs
Hmmm. Unfair to declare without a challenger offering. I just ain't got the time or the inclination to square off. I'll yield the field to you sir, we will meet again someday.
Hey family, I got a call from my wife at 4:30 today, my loving baby girl Layla (our “fur baby”) had a sudden heart attack & could not be saved by the vet. She was only 8 years old. I just buried her at home in our back yard. So we can still feed her people food.
I was supposed to meet @Steel in Memphis tomorrow. I sent him a text n told him we won’t make it. God bless him, he has been through so much and I feel like a pvssy compared to him but we are so hurt right now.
We will rent a trailer and soldier into Stearns Friday to carry on this bbq!!!!
I need a little time. My heart is broke right now.
Hopefully, I will suck it up n make it in Friday
****!T............ God Bless you Scott for the “pick me up” Laura said thank you brother.
I’m rambling, sorry
God Bless Layla girl.....