Head count for Maggie valley 2022

there is so much crazy BS government crap going on here right now, our glorious little dictator managed to swing a deal with one of the opposition parties to form a majority government that no one in Canada wanted, so it looks like we are stuck with the little twit for another 3-years, by the time he is done, there will be no Canada left, at least not the way the world knew it at one time. The stupid little drama teacher (yes that is what he used to be) has a hate on for anyone who dares not do as he commands, if anyone else in Canada had of come out and said some of the things he has, we would be going to court and facing charges for hate speech, but he gets away with it, he has had so many scandal's against him and he has walked away from all of it, while anyone else would have been nailed to wall and facing serious jail time. He is pushing for total control over every aspect of our lives, sort of like China with the Social credit score system, "oh i see your not doing as i command, thats cool, we will just hold your money for while, oh your going to end up on the street, to bad for you, guess we will be taking your house and everything else as well". They quietly passed a bill in Ontario one night that essentially keeps the emergency order they put in place for the Truckers convoy, so if you protest against government or do anything the government doesn't like, they will freeze everything on you, and there is nothing you can do about it, you are guilty until you can figure out how to prove you are innocent, and yea good luck with that. The sad part is, there are so many people here who just don't see whats happening right before their eyes, and still believe that the idiot is working in their best interests, the only interests he is working for are his own, he wants absolute and total unconditional power for himself. If this was the U.S.A. someone probably would have Epsteined him by now.
I love riding my Rocket
Sounds like he’s related to “ours”
Yes, that’s all I’m gonna say
They call this THE NEW WORLD ODOR.