Head count for Josey's cooking supplies in WV

95 % of groceries have been purchased
Going in the morning to grease the hubs (bearings) on the smoker. Finalize a few other things. Back home and start the.load out process and checking my lists again. I will have my Square card reader with me to make things possibly easier. It will make it easier to give me large tips because you won't see it immediately . If you see me with my head bowed, I'm probably praying for your safe rides and Grace before eating........don't worry, I'll do it for you. God's speed you misfits and miscreants. See you there.

For those that don't know me or how I came to be around this group, once upon a time I rode this, my Blustery Hag, everywhere. Dark sided it and kept the wind in my face and hell at my back. It's also how I met Rainman and STB, thank God for that.

I’ve figured that out by now.
Thought about sending you a PM asking if your having a good time at the RAA event but if I just yelled out the question you should be able hear me in the next room. I don’t know thought this AC is terrible loud.