Harley owner, future Rocket 3 owner

Most people that buy a Roadster either put on the aftermarket risers or different bars to get a more relaxed seating position , Some dont like the upright seating due to peg placement and do a conversion with footboards off other models.

I personally have bar risers , a small fly screen and used to have the engine bars with highway pegs ( should never of sold them ) , if i had the opportunity to do it all over again i think id buy a Touring.
I'm guessing I'd like taller bars, but if I do end up getting the Corbin fairing, it looks like there's not much room and different bars may not fit.
I'll get to a dealership soon to check one out in person. That's also another thing that worries me, is the nearest Triumph dealership is nearly 2 hours away from me and shops around here probably won't want to change a tire on a Triumph anything. I've got my CVO on ebay and the bidding is really looking promising. Thats a good thing about Harley, I've never had a hard time selling one, as long as I have a reasonable price.

There are sacrifices we make riding Triumphs and this is one of the biggest. There is only one dealer in the entire state of Indiana. Many like the wrench their bike. One of the first things I bought was the manual on the bike. I have a couple local shops that will work on mine and providing them the manual is a big help.

The benefits of owning a Rocket greatly out way the sacrifices. There is an experienced Harley guy in town that has shown a great interest in my Rocket at a few rides we have been on together. I did let him ride it and the smile on his face when he returned was priceless. Unfortunately next spring I may not be the only Rocket guy around.

Oh ya, Welcome from Indiana.
Hello my name is Victor, I've been a long time motorcycle owner and other than some dirt bikes as a kid they've all been Harley Davidsons. I've had quite a few softails, a full custom from the frame up, a Heritage Springer, a V-Rod, and my past two bikes have been CVO Ultra Classics. My current 2009 CVO Ultra Classic is for sale and when it sells, I will be buying a Rocket 3.

Coming from ultra classics, I figured I would go with the R3 Touring, but I can't get passed how much I like the tank on the Roadster! So, I'll be getting a roadster and adding a windshield (or possibly one of Corbins fairings if I get a good deal on the bike) and saddlebags.

My only worry is the size of the R3, I'm a big guy that needs a big bike! The Vrod I had was fun but the size of it made it not a good fit for me. I've only seen one R3 in person and it wasn't a friend of mine so I didn't ask to sit on it. My brother rides a Ducati Diavel and it's got to be the most uncomfortable bike for a large man ever made! But the speed of the bike is a whole lotta fun!

Anyway, I'll be lurking around here looking over all the info and making sure it's a bike that will be a good fit for me. Any advise would be appreciated!

Welcome Victor! Maybe my last weekends ride will give you some insight into the world of the Rocket. I went on a ride on a very very twisty road that is about 90 miles long and climbs up to about 10000 ft. There was about 35 bikes on the ride with Harley's, Victory's, BMW's, and quite a few ****** rockets as well. After a bit of playing around in the less steep areas at the beginning of the ride soon myself with my Touring and three ****** rockets soon were by ourselves. No other cruisers of any kind even attempted to keep up. The one ****** rocket in the lead took made a quick move and left the other two and me behind. It took me about 10 miles to pass the other two ****** rockets (very little opportunity to pass on this road) and I soon left them behind. After about an hours riding I met the lead bike at the designated spot with the other two ****** rockets about four or five minutes behind. The rest of the group arrived about 20 minutes later. I cant say if I could have kept up with the lead ****** rocket but I do belive I could have. I am not trying to blow my own horn here but wanted to give you an example of the awsome capabilities of the Rocket. For being such a big ole gal she corners pretty darn good in the twisties and when you include a steep cliimb these torque monsters just keep you giggling like a school girl. After a few rides together even the Harley guys know not to try and run with these beasts.
Hey Vic, Being the owner of a large frame myself, I can positively say that the R3 is the bike for you. All my buddies here back home freak out at the facts that they can sit and compare their bike's to mine. Even to the point where they refuse to park their bikes beside mine because theirs look so small, and I mean any HD or other bike you might think. Excluding boss hog. Buy one you won't regret it and watch out for the grin that will stamp itself on your face. Wife will start asking strange ?.
PS: Welcome from Montreal,
Thanks for all the responses and the warm welcome! I've 100% talked myself into buying one, I've found a few close enough to me for sale, now I just need to get mine sold and decide which Rocket to buy!
Thanks for all the responses and the warm welcome! I've 100% talked myself into buying one, I've found a few close enough to me for sale, now I just need to get mine sold and decide which Rocket to buy!

That's a smart choice. You'll have more fun just on this forum alone, than you had on all those other bikes ;)