Cant for the life of me fund any place selling this workshop manual , would anyone have a link to post up please, not looking for online manual , need old school book
This is where I purchased my hard copy and it WAS worth it!
A very nice bound manual. Hope this link works for you.
Twas like $100 plus I got a Roadster supplement for $25 more.
I tried half a dozen places , from photo-copy joints to proper printing businesses trying to get someone to copy my manual for Donny and Tang. No-one would do it due to copyright laws .. wusses
I tried half a dozen places , from photo-copy joints to proper printing businesses trying to get someone to copy my manual for Donny and Tang. No-one would do it due to copyright laws .. wusses
OK, I just received a service manual from RKOR Inc. out of Brooklyn, NY. The online site says the manual covers models (including Roadster) through year model 2016, but the manual is dated 2009. Does anyone know if this is indeed the manual I need to use to safely work on my bike? I did e-mail the company for an explanation, but figured I'd pass it by the experts here to see if maybe anyone has a later version of the manual.
I work on a couple of friends 2013 and 2015 Roadster and they are somewhat different than my 2006 standard. So far I found the forks are backwards and they have ABS do dads that make bleeding the breaks a question mark. Also they have different electrics. I have had no trouble up-grading their tunes with some of the better Roadster tunes though. Millionaire Mike reported his drag strip time dropped half a second with one of the tunes I loaded for him.
My dealer is telling me part # T3851580 is the manual with the latest addendums for the 2014 Roadster model. I know there aren't many changes between years, but this manual might give latest changes to maintenance procedures. The dealer wants $169, I see a few sights online who have it at about $104. Does anyone know if you need the binder T385999 to put this manual in?
I believe that Triumph uses the same base manual for the Classic and the Roadster (hence the 2009 to 2016 date range), but there's a Roadster 'supplement' that covers the differences specific to the Roadster. That or I need to practice my forum-fu.