Happy Thanksgiving to all

Which Challenger?
Happy Thanksgiving to one and all... My wife and I are headed out to surprise some folks who are standing the watch at our Joint Ops Center with some home baked goodness... As a side benefit, the more we share the goodies with others... the less there is to temp me... Heh!
I’m building a 300 blackout 8 1/2 barrel pistol now. Waiting on a couple more parts
This one in particular

Well then, since you be the one that pulls on that slide lever, I reckon you be the one forked!
Let us know if you shank anyone
Let us know if you shank anyone

Got back a while ago, completely empty-handed

Could be that we've already got most of what the doorbusters were, and some of the items being priced very low wasn't really that much different than what we would be able to buy it for online or any other time in the store before Christmas.

There was a line of folks waiting to buy new mobile phones, but they admitted the same price would be available tomorrow if I wanted to come back. Going to save 50%, and pay off the required 30-month installment plan next month, which won't be a bad deal.

The other items I was looking at wasn't worth wait in the line, even though it wasn't that long. Parking wasn't hard. There were a lot of people, but it wasn't as crazy as it has been in previous years.

It will be interesting to see the reported sales figures.
That gun shop is just west of where I live...everyone is just being “too sensitive “, brought him attention as a businessman,I never heard of that gun shop until the story came out. Black Friday is an American thing,but our retailers have jumped on board,and it’s all about Black Friday sales....however,I did take advantage of it to buy discounts on some electronic stuff,and some ammunition for the handguns I recently purchased before the government can attempt to outlaw them...
Our big post holiday sale up here is Boxing Day,December 26th, ....something our retailers stretch out for a week as well.
Happy Thanksgiving to all our American brothers and sisters,I did have today off....and have been enjoying the football all day...