Happy Thanksgiving to all

I'm not sure why we have Black Friday here in Oz, has really nothing to do with any of our traditions.
In fact, most of the catastrophic bush fire events here are called Black Friday or Black Saturday, so its is really inappropriate for the local retail sector to jump on the commercial bandwagon.
Tried to watch the TV last night. About a hour into it turned it off. The commercials with their push on shopping just got to be to much. Thanksgiving is not a shopping day folks. Yes can understand black Friday but have never participated. For the last twenty years i have received nothing for Christmas. I prefer to give then recieve. Toy runs are one way and so is donating my time serving food at reach out centers. Very much a eye opening spending the morning cooking food at a shelter and then serving it in the afternoon. I am by no means a bible thumper. I just feel very lucky to be in a position in life were i have the means to give a little bit back.
Thanks, I missed that, I no longer listen to commercial radio, back in Buffalo they played that every year on Thanksgiving, maybe still do.
That would be a .300 Blackout AR??? :roll:

I’m building a 300 blackout 8 1/2 barrel pistol now. Waiting on a couple more parts
This one in particular

You have never been to the stores on Black Friday(why it is not called white Friday I do not know) well what it is in most cases a bunch of peasants running around wild knocking people or even their own children over just so they can save a buck ot two, but it is the American way, after all, they are not communists:D

It's referred to as "Black Friday" because the retailers books go into the "black" i.e. they are profitable rather than taking a loss. With the internet taking a bigger piece of the retail pie each year brick and mortar stores have to start earlier each year. In the next couple years it will likely start around Independence Day......