Happy 40s birthday present!

I would very much appreciate it, Mr. Leno, if you would give me your turbine-powered superbike for my early-40th birthday. I will be celebrating it instead of Christmas this year. Please join the forum, read this post, decide it is a good idea, and comply.
With much avarice...​
Stacey Hansen
Congrats from Northern Ontario. Man that is one awesome wife you have there. You said her 40th is coming up. Why not buy her her own Rocket.......or get her some accessories for your bike. :)
man, that's the thing, what gets me all tingled is that she doesn't even like bikes.
What an unforgettable present!

How do you top or even meet that one?
A new Porsche, Corvette, Mercedes?

It had better not be a blender or vacuum cleaner. If it is we'lll impound your bike!
man, that's the thing, what gets me all tingled is that she doesn't even like bikes.

I'm betting that your life insurance is both plentiful and paid up, which would be sufficient reason to believe, along with some other info that you've posted here (like those 3 young'uns'), that your wife is actually out to get rid of you, bdpq!!!
I'm betting that your life insurance is both plentiful and paid up, which would be sufficient reason to believe, along with some other info that you've posted here (like those 3 young'uns'), that your wife is actually out to get rid of you, bdpq!!!
HOLY ****!

I better start my memoir and package my short and happy life on the rocket as a movie script~, I can totally sell that!