HansO, Chicken Little says - Yep the sky is burnin' and no sight of Midnight Oil either!

I know we all concentrate on Humans - but Australia's bio-diversity must be in serious danger too.
She'll be right mate.
Australia is a country of extremes. When it rains, we all get flooded, when it doesn't rain, we all burn.
Some trees only release their seeds when they burn so I think the whole system is set up for extreme events. The only thing that stuffs it up is the humans. Maybe not so much the native people.
See, cousin - them white fellas go wild on walkabout. I was thinking as well of the Drop-Bears and Walla-roos.

The world is becoming more extreme. It does sadden me. Deeply. Well deeply for me - as a clinical psychopath - empathy is not something I really have.
I too fear for the animals....yes i have been a hunter where i take animals for meat but i dont like to see them suffer in pain.
It dosnt bear thinking about the animals caught in those fires...its a cruel death.
This morning, the 2nd of jan, we have less smoke here in Christchurch....it is still present but not as severe as it was yesterday. Steph and her daughter hit some golf balls yesterday and said the ball had an eerie glow around it whilst flying thru the smoky air.
Today 4 of us will ride north for a couple of hours ...have lunch and return...looking forward to my first ride for 2020.
I would be more than happy to send our rain your way. Waited until it warmed up this morning and then got ready to wire wheel some on the boat. Got set up and be **** if it did not start raining. Hoping all the folks i have been talking to for over four years are save.
I agree completely about the animals. I hate to see anything suffer, well except possibly a wasp. I do not have much appreciation for those things.

Ethical hunting demands a clean humane harvest.
Getting sh!ttier by the day.
This is JUST the fires in one State NSW I shall post the other ones below.

Well over 5,000,000 acres burnt now. 500+ houses gone on South Coast NSW and 2-300 more in Victoria with many more expected over the next few days.
12 dead, 3 or 4 Rural Fire Service volunteers sadly 3 young fathers with pregnant wives and kids.

Batemans Bay where @HansO lives is the centre of of activity and evacuation of all non residents via the only road route out via an often still intermittently closed single highway and a steep single lane winding mountain pass to Cooma and Canberra. The traffic is banked well over 25 km (15 mile) in places.
Due to power outages etc similar 1 km long queues at fuel/gas stations and quite a few tourists with no have run out of fuel so many tourists can not get fuel to drive out before the expected flame fronts move under high winds and temps that form their own micro climates and dry lightning storms.

They are trying to evacuate 25,000 + tourists etc before Friday and especially Saturday when similar conditions 40-42+C = 104-108F+ to the BAD day New Year Eve when 300+ houses were gone in NSW in 24 hours and similar numbers elsewhere.

Canberra is in the middle with the worst reported air quality in the world city today. This will go on for days yet and months yet for the general situation.

Fires Near Me

Victoria has a similar situation evacuating all non resident and in remote and mountain areas full evacuation is recommended. A navy vessel is off shore readying to evacuate up to 1000 at a time from the 3500-4000 stuck in Mallacoota where many were forced to take sanctuary in or on the water's edge the other night.b All roads have been cut and they lost power etc a couple of days ago.

Incidents and Warnings - VicEmergency