Halo style headlight

Good info. Just want to make a good choice and determine if I can do it myself...

NOTE that the "8690 M" is NOT adaptive.
The 8690 A is the correct light.
In the photo the light appears yellow. Is that just the quality of the photo?

He has some chinese LED headlight copies with amber halos, IIRC.

But ignoring the halo thing for a second, any LED headlight which doesn't leak a lot of light upwards will give you some issues in pitch darkness when riding a twisty road. The side of the road in corners will be completely dark and that kind of sucks. Riding in Florida or something where you have straight lines and 90-degree corners it's not a big deal. In the forests of Finland after dark, it's noticeably uncomfortable.

Which is why this was made:

Ah, yeah, once I live in the country I'm sure I'll suffer the same problems.

The halos are amber, very bright, and can be wired as turn/run lights. There is also a white halo built in, that thread I linked has instructions to wire up as you please regarding color.
Great, thank you
This thread, post number 55 has the ones I and a couple others have used:
Daymaker Type Headlights (Chinese Copies)

They look like copies of the JW Speaker 8630s to me and not the Daymakers.
On the left is the JW Speaker 8630 LED.
On the right is the Daymaker mde by JW Speaker exclusively for Harley.
Both are excellent LEDs, I believe the Daymaker to be a tad stronger reach at 3.2 lux.
At the bottom is a graphic of the new 8690 Adaptive.