I would GUESS that it would do well at least compared to mine which is only 400 horsepower. I have ridden mine at 152mph at 5400 rpms and it gets there quick. Mine seems fast to me but I have ridden ones that were faster. A friend has one with a 427 cu inch DART engine rated at 575 hp and also has a nitrous button that adds a 100 hp to that when pushed. With a street tire he has officially got in the eight second bracket a few times and normally runs low nine second times. He rides the bike to work and packs his wife on it when they ride together. A chopper is still a chopper no mater how fast or good looking it is and has all the drawbacks of a chopper, but they are fun if you realize they are not cross country cruisers. The Rocket is more of an all around motorcycle, its fast, reliable, and comfortable enough to ride cross the country.