Hagon Nitro rear shocks GROUP BUY!!!

Damm here I was all chuffed having found a home for the Shocks and saving Wayne the expense of having to pay over $200 AUD and then I relised.... Now my Waiting Starts All Over Again, Damm and Double Damm. Well at least I got to hold a set and admire their beauty and if any body starts teasing me about how nice they are I will Scream!!!!!! and to think Gothlander will have his on in a couple of days.... boohoooooo:(
Me so lucky :D Thanks Hans.
Don't thank me Thank Wayne he is a Top Bloke he is great to talk to and it is people like him that help you relise that old fashion value are still out there, a man I can relate too I often get people tell me "I'm too Kind and too trusting" and I just say I believe in old fashioned values and refuse to let them die, you would be surprised how many younger people I have had the pleasure of influencing:) into thinking that way
I spoke with Wayne a few hours ago about the shocks and apparently there was a delay getting the right bits from England but it should all be sorted in the next couple of days and then they will be shipped to those lucky ones that haven't received theirs yet.