Hagon Nitro rear shocks GROUP BUY!!!

After meeting Wayne this past weekend I can honestly say that he is a great guy. He will go out of his way to do the right thing.

Full respect to you Wayne!!!

Love the shocks too. :D
Got a chance to put the shocks on today and give it the worst-set-of-railroad-tracks-I-could-find-nearby test and I'm impressed. Not sure if I need to do any adjustment with the rebound, and I'll probably crank the preload up for a passenger, but I'm definitely happy with the shocks. Feels a lot more planted. Now I just have to get those progressive fork springs installed.:D
Enought Already!!!! do you guys have to keep rubbing that you have yours ...... I've worn out the carpet to the window every time I hear something that even remotely sounds like the little White Aussie Post Van coming up the Street:rolleyes::D
I received 4 shocks with instructions to send 2 to you. Can I get yor address? I'll put them in the mail one day next week....:roll: