Hagon Nitro rear shocks GROUP BUY!!!

Mr Wayne Tripp is a top bloke!!!!!
He has sent me an email stating that customs and USPS and Aust Post cant track my shocks:mad:, so Wayne in his fabulousnes has ordered a new set and will post them to me again:D, I just hope they are returned to him so he can on sell them, or maybe there is insurance for this type of thing????? So I should have my new shocks in a few weeks....:D

Thank You Wayne
And You will Love Them:cool:
Did not have time before to write much but thought I would let you guys know about the difference between the Hagons and the previous shocks the Fournales which some of you know are regarded as one of the best out there.
Well I just did 250km on the hagons yesterday on some open stretches, tight bends a some fast and bumpy sweepers the end result is that the ride was almost identical but the hagons just felt that tiny bit more planted on the 130 km sweeper that nearly have you scraping the boards/ pegs comfort wise both are outstanding but the hagons I will be able to soften or tighten up the damping.
The Fournales do not have separate damping as they self adjust according to the amount of air you run and overall that is pretty good but somewhat firm at times but I allways ran them at the recommended 17-18 bar, the Hagons were put on as they come from the factory I had asked for the heavier 35kg springs to allow me to wind them up for when I tow, well they were near perfect as they came I might slacken the springs up 1 turn but the damping feels fine now if I were to have the missis on I could also soften up the damping to give her a smoother ride. Something she used to complain about with the Fournales, the fact they were a bit to firm.
So in conclusion I now have more clearance thanks to the extra 20mm in height and more adjustability while having a bike that feels like it is on rails:D

A Very Big Thank You to Wayne for making this possible
damm, it's already may.

sorry man, i missed out on that group buy for the hagon shocks. wish i would have seen this thread sooner. oh well, perhaps in a while another group buy will show up.
sorry man, i missed out on that group buy for the hagon shocks. wish i would have seen this thread sooner. oh well, perhaps in a while another group buy will show up.

Don't worry all my not be lost, my lost one might turn up back at Wayne's workshop.
There could be an opportunity if Wayne wants to sell them:)
Keep an eye out on this thread.
I ordered 1" shorter and 120kg setup in chrome.
Would you guys in Australia keep a watch for those missing shocks? Ebay, etc. If you see them please let Wayne know. Too many sticky fingers in the world.
Just to put s bit more light on Noltons suggestion about keeping an eye out for some hagons on e bay, I was talking to Wayne the other day and he said that the first pair of mitzy's that weren't delivered by Aussie post are supposedly sitting at Auss customs but no one can pin point them do if every one just keeps an eye out we may be able to catch some arseole from customs tring to flog them:rolleyes:
Yesterday I went for my first long ride on the Hagons and am very impressed. so smooth and they soak up the harsh bumps completely. My back was a bit sore after the RAA VII ride but never felt a jolt on these.

Yeah I absolutely LOVE mine the big test will be when I tow my campertrailer but I confident they will cope so I will probally have a set of Fornales up for grabs soon at a bargain price