Hagon Nitro rear shocks GROUP BUY!!!

Typical Aussie Post, luckily as the first set found me (and geeez they looked Good) at least the right ones will know the way hereand they left the states a week ago so I am guessing maybe another week and Yahooooo
Typical Aussie Post, luckily as the first set found me (and geeez they looked Good) at least the right ones will know the way hereand they left the states a week ago so I am guessing maybe another week and Yahooooo

Gees your lucky SHREK, I'm gonna remain patient as long as I can.
Yehaaaaaa one guess what just arrived feels like christmass all over again


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but next week you'll be able to be the one going Yehaaaa, unfortunitly I had some other things to do so have only just fitted took all of 15 minutes will go for a ride tomorrow


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Glad they made it. Look forward to your assessment, especially compared to the fornales.
Now, is that all the spending for the time being???
Glad they made it. Look forward to your assessment, especially compared to the fornales.
Now, is that all the spending for the time being???
Well I just bought myself a new camera only cos it was half price and I have been promising myself a new SLR since the old one carked it 15 year ago it is a nice Cannon SLR Digital d600 18mp with two lenses 18 x 55 and a 55 x 250 but that it no more spending for nowwww
oh and the shocks while they feel a bit firm in sitting in driveway will probally loosen up I am going to pop over to Ruzzel's today to break em in, Mal is supposed to be coming down tomorrow, need to ring him today if you can drag yourself away from unpacking I think you might like to come down here to thaw out!!! beaut day yesterday and looking the same today. I could meet you guys at say braidwood and come back down the mtn with you's
If I come down I have to be back by 3.00 - school pick-up duty. Will talk to Kiwi. Hopefully see you........
Typical Aussie Post, luckily as the first set found me (and geeez they looked Good) at least the right ones will know the way hereand they left the states a week ago so I am guessing maybe another week and Yahooooo

Mr Wayne Tripp is a top bloke!!!!!
He has sent me an email stating that customs and USPS and Aust Post cant track my shocks, so Wayne in his fabulousnes has ordered a new set and will post them to me again, I just hope they are returned to him so he can on sell them, or maybe there is insurance for this type of thing????? So I should have my new shocks in a few weeks....

Thank You Wayne