So I just returned in the pouring rain from a ride into Vermont so my dealer could do the 500 mile service. First, this is the mostest funnest bike I've ever ridden. I used to describe the original RIII as a 'decathlete' capable of doing the widest spectrum of riding..but this GT smokes the old guy.. it's nimble and light (ok relatively light

..seems to carve curves all on its lonesome, what I'd call a point and click type bike. The only drawback I've seen ( except grrr for the panniers which I'll get to in a moment) is the virtually naked rear fender results in dirt and road mud being flung up my back and all over the bike.. and I mean ALL OVER the bike.. there was even a pool of mud in the seat. I figger the mud hit the back of my rain jacket and then the tears from the clouds washed it down into the seat where it gathered (and warmed by my buns..maybe it weren't so bad afterall heh heh).
OK on to the panniers. They are positively AWFUL.. don't waste your money on them.. they are small and not waterproof so basically what the hell good are they? I took the precaution of putting some items inside plastic bags and then into the panniers. Good thing I did because when I got home and open the panniers a stream of water came out of them, they were soaked inside (and yes I had their outside covers locked in place). Unfortunately the covers leave the inside of the panniers 'uncovered' ( I'm talking about the outside portion of the panniers nearest the tires).Makes you wonder how Triumph could spend such time and effort building this marvelous machine and then offer up fourth rate accesories like these panniers.
So I wanted to share this with you guys to save you the aggravation and waste of money..wait until someone develops aftermarket WATERPROOF panniers..did I say WATERPROOF, oh yes I did sorry.