I have found a good compromise on group rides , if the ride is a Sunday blast then it's a free for all . But if the ride is for charity or some other legitimate reason it is good manners to stay in group , at least on the way there , this means that any official photos or vids show good structure and organisation !
Coming home is a different matter tho
Now here's the thing , I don't know bout you mercans but here we use blockers on account of our many junctions and roundabouts . For any that don't know , blockers break from the group and cover entrance routes at junctions and roundabouts . This prevents cars from entering the line of bikes and keeps the bikes together . Obviously I'm talking bout rides consisting of 20 bikes or more !
The beauty of being a road blocker , is that after the last bikes have passed thru , you then have to get to the front of the pack again ready for the next roundabout or junction , so never a dull ride out with organised hooliganism !