Group riding

Dont forget @skydog1000 got lost!
Easy way here is simply to invite the local off duty GC.
Definitely the way ahead ! Traffic blocking is in fact an infringement of the highway code and you wouldn't last long in the cities without prior arrangements !
I wouldn't like to be endorsing such flagrant disrespect of our laws , but as mentioned , the plod have as yet to take issue as far as I have noticed !
I lead Triumph club group rides twice a month. I ride safe and sane most of the time. If riders wish to pass by me for some spirited antics to enjoy themselves that's OK. They are welcome to rejoin the group when they are done.
As mentioned, passing should be discussed prior to beginning the ride. But it is critical that passing be done with some care.
1. Signal riders behind you that you're gonna pass.
2. Mirror & head check that nobody is in process of passing you.
3. Never pass on the right!!! (For countries where you drive on right lane)
4. Make sure you have a target space open to re-enter right lane.

I have personally witnessed bad outcomes from breaking each of these "suggestions".
A lot depends on how well you know the people riding with you. The group I normally ride with know that when they hear the Rocket roar, to hold their line because I'm coming by fast. Especially if we're on a 4 lane behind a rolling road block, because I'm shooting between the offending vehicles.
rockets do make for a good blocker dont they