Group riding

Generally speaking in our group rides, that is with our normal group of guys, whoever wants to go ahead just passes and goes. We all speed up a bit and enjoy it. I always make sure we are all there somewhere in case a rider at the back has had some sort of trouble. We do have agreed stops ahead and usually trickle in one by one. Usually a coffee stop or toilets. Sometimes two or three of us just go for it for half an hour and are sitting around talking as the others arrive. Its all good, no-one feels any pressure to keep up.
I have always tried to be last in the Congo line as I can see all my riding buddies and can set my own pace no pressure ,we do have a pre planned stop/stops so every on can catch up and being
I have always tried to be last in the Congo line as I can see all my riding buddies and can set my own pace no pressure ,we do have a pre planned stop/stops so every on can catch up and being
in the caboose when I arrive we all know that all are present,sometimes I let the guys get ahead a Klm or so then jump onto the gas for a bit of a sprint to catch them
The problem I have is when the leader is driving slower than the cagers. The group is too long to safely allow autos to pass especially when the congo lines expands after a slow down. Sometimes it's almost better to leave in several small groups if you are going to take a "Relaxing" group ride. This leaves room for passing.
I did a group ride last year and told the group leader that I would like to be a bit more spirited thru the twisties. He got a little butt hurt at first and then said that if I could pass him to go ahead. Harley Riders. Lol
At the next intersection another rider and I talked and waited at a pull off while the group came on in. The leader later shook my hand and apologized for his attitude at first. He said he thought he was doing pretty good til I passed him on the back wheel and disappeared. Ended the day with new friends. That was the last group ride I was on.
I have found a good compromise on group rides , if the ride is a Sunday blast then it's a free for all . But if the ride is for charity or some other legitimate reason it is good manners to stay in group , at least on the way there , this means that any official photos or vids show good structure and organisation !
Coming home is a different matter tho
Now here's the thing , I don't know bout you mercans but here we use blockers on account of our many junctions and roundabouts . For any that don't know , blockers break from the group and cover entrance routes at junctions and roundabouts . This prevents cars from entering the line of bikes and keeps the bikes together . Obviously I'm talking bout rides consisting of 20 bikes or more !
The beauty of being a road blocker , is that after the last bikes have passed thru , you then have to get to the front of the pack again ready for the next roundabout or junction , so never a dull ride out with organised hooliganism !
Now here's the thing , I don't know bout you mercans but here we use blockers on account of our many junctions and roundabouts . For any that don't know , blockers break from the group and cover entrance routes at junctions and roundabouts .
Here that will get you nicked or simply run over. UNLESS you have a nice green/white BMW with flashing blue dome lights.
Here that will get you nicked or simply run over. UNLESS you have a nice green/white BMW with flashing blue dome lights.
It's pretty well tolerated here with no complaints from the boys in blue that I ever been aware of . Have even witnessed them stopped at junctions by blockers ! The cars don't seem to mind too much either as 9 times out of 10 your thank you thumbs up is met with a friendly wave ! After all , many drivers are intimidated to suddenly find themselves broken into a big group of bikes and a slow driver presents a danger to the slower or more inexperienced riders as they try to get past to avoid being left behind !