When group riding the leader of the ride by custom, if not necessity, needs to ride at a safe lawful speed. Now usually I am fine with the group speed but in the twisties I kind of like to have a bit of fun. Is it considered gauche or impolite if one passes the ride leader and then drops back in line in order to get some adrenaline flowing? Opinions?
When group riding the leader of the ride by custom, if not necessity, needs to ride at a safe lawful speed. Now usually I am fine with the group speed but in the twisties I kind of like to have a bit of fun. Is it considered gauche or impolite if one passes the ride leader and then drops back in line in order to get some adrenaline flowing? Opinions?
When we ride, certain roads are deemed as 'play' roads and are considered a free for all. The only set rule is that everyone waits at an intersection for the last Rider.
At RAA in Arkansas a few years ago, I passed [USER=1688]@rainman because I was not paying close enough attention behind him when those ahead were slowing more quickly. I had to serve to avoid a collision. He said I startled him quite a bit as it was not expected. I felt like a total heal for that. But at least we had enough distance between us all for those unexpected maneuvers.
If you want to ride with spirited Rockets, head out with @Steel, he won't slow you down...[/USER]
When on the 3 Sisters ride in Leakey Tx last Oct there was quit a bit of passing and nobody had a problem with that & fun was had by ALL!
Cept Nobody was passing @1olbull
When on the 3 Sisters ride in Leakey Tx last Oct there was quit a bit of passing and nobody had a problem with that & fun was had by ALL!
Cept Nobody was passing @1olbull
when i ride with my harley friends i usually stay at the rear so i can protect them (rear lights that nobody wants to follow and enough power to keep me out of trouble) but on the way back i am tired of sucking fumes so i move up to get some fresh air.