Group Buy - GI Pro ATRE

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I have no problem with you Tuneboy boys riffing about your tunes, but would you mind terribly doing that over on the tech talk forum or in your own thread just to help keep this one uncomplicated? The courtesy would be greatly appreciated!

I was simply answering a question posed directly to me. In the future I will make sure that I'm in an appropriately titled thread and an appropriate section of the forum.

I'm terribly sorry for offending everyone's sensibilities.

Thank god I didn't criticize car tires again, that would probably get me banned.
Sorry, I guess the whole Tuneboy question was my bad. Just trying to figure out if this was the right product for me.
It does need to be made clear, that if you have Tuneboy already, there will be no performance gains with this product.

Also, if you are somewhat mechanically inclined, this same thing the GI Pro does can be done with about $10 in parts purchased at Radio Shack.

However, the GI Pro does also function as a gear position indicator.

I did not mean to sound so heavy-handed, GPMAZ, nor am I nearly as sensitive as one might think.

Nonetheless, I am truly thankful that you avoided the spanking that a CT vs MT comment might egg on!

Info on this group buy will be posted by the weekend. I am certain that y'all will be pleased with the deal that's been arranged.
My Roc is still bone stock, has anyone ran the Gi pro w/atre on this set up and I should notice a difference thanks for any feedback !!!
My Roc is still bone stock, has anyone ran the Gi pro w/atre on this set up and I should notice a difference thanks for any feedback !!!

If I understand it correctly, you should notice the most impact but I'll leave it to the experts to respond.
I am presently running a PC but have a Tuneboy in the file drawer never opened. As it stands now, I have changed my mind about installing it and will go with the GI. If anybody wants the Tuneboy, let me know.... Cheap. Make offer. 940 206 6131
low gas indicator light

i'm new to the forum & really need to ask a question. i just bought an '05 rocket 3 and the gas indicator light stays on all the time. the @#$%^& dealer said that it would reset itself after the ignition switch was turned on & off several timed. what a crop... i didn't believe him then but i was caught up in the moment of being a captain. has anybody had this same problem & how hard is it to fix? regards
Per Pig9r's suggestion and in order to keep the preferred pricing we are getting on the GI Pro ATRE private (at the vendor's request) I am setting up the group buy via Private Message and by utilizing your personal email addresses so that we both protect the vendor and so that each buyer can make, manage and track their order(s) individually and directly with/through the vendor.

In order to do so, all who wish to participate in this buy should kindly PM me your names and email address. I will forward your addresses to the vendor who will then send you each all the contact, pricing, ordering and shipping information so that you can place your orders at your own convenience directly to the source. This group buy will last for 30 days commencing Monday, 12/21/09.

I have been advised by the vendor that international orders may be subject to customs, import duties/taxes in your respective countries. Therefore it is the responsibility of international purchasers to determine whether they would be better served by ordering through this group buy or by dealing with a vendor in their own country

Thanks to one and all for your interest and participation! I hope that this will help to make your Christmas and holiday season even brighter!

All the best... TriumPhil (aka, XHombre)http://

Everyone owes a big debt of gratitude to Shawn and Brian!
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