Grief about owning a British bike?

Yes but the polished metal stripe kind of makes it stand out a bit.

well it probably helps to have a number 74 (i think) on the side. i could find your bike the parking lot
To each his own. I spent about four hours today cleaning the bike. First day off after leaky Texas. First time I cleaned the bike up and felt sad about it. Washing all that TEXAS dirt off made me realize how much fun I had getting her dirty. Well #ell who knows what dirt will get washed off after the next R.A.A. Figure I'll feel the same but what the #ell . Good times and no LEMON PLEDGE.
I saw this and thought it was funny but thought nothing of it, then I just read it again somewhere else just now. Is this a thing? I had no idea people were using lemon pledge on their bikes ..
Its a constant theme and ragging issue, there are believers, agnostics and naysayers with some hilarious posts at times. Just do a search for pledge and you could commit a month to reading all the posts, one of the best was the Lemon Pledge suspension mod.
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Really. Good O'l boys on new Harley's need to #ake the %uch up. 99% of there bikes are made in CHINA along with there T shirts. No thank you.