Grief about owning a British bike?

I found fitting a sidecar made it easier to identify in a crowd


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To each his own. I spent about four hours today cleaning the bike. First day off after leaky Texas. First time I cleaned the bike up and felt sad about it. Washing all that TEXAS dirt off made me realize how much fun I had getting her dirty. Well #ell who knows what dirt will get washed off after the next R.A.A. Figure I'll feel the same but what the #ell . Good times and no LEMON PLEDGE.
I saw this and thought it was funny but thought nothing of it, then I just read it again somewhere else just now. Is this a thing? I had no idea people were using lemon pledge on their bikes ..
Its a constant theme and ragging issue, there are believers, agnostics and naysayers with some hilarious posts at times. Just do a search for pledge and you could commit a month to reading all the posts, one of the best was the Lemon Pledge suspension mod.
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Friends, I'm in the market for a used RIII and will likely be picking one up tomorrow.

I've owned two bikes, both Kawasakis. I had initially wanted an Indian as I began looking for a bike again (as I like the idea of an American bike) but the Rocket caught my eye and hasn't let go. Not to mention, the Indian REALLY is out of my price range. HD has just never done it for me.

Sitting there last night, started wondering if Triumph riders get grief for not riding an American bike the same way riders of Japanese bikes do. The folks I hang with don't care one bit (and I REALLY don't either) just wondering if Triumphs are viewed the same by those that do care.

Just want to know what to expect!
Really. Good O'l boys on new Harley's need to #ake the %uch up. 99% of there bikes are made in CHINA along with there T shirts. No thank you.