Grief about owning a British bike?

That's funny - my story EXACTLY!

You didn't buy that one from Moon Motorsports in Monticello, MN, did you? I've had my eye on that one, too!

Going to look at/hopefully pick up mine today. Can't wait!
Yes!, That's the one. that funny looking cargo thing on back comes off and the backrest was inside. Now I wish the holidays and traffic would go away so I can go get it myself. Not sure if I trust the shippers.
Yes!, That's the one. that funny looking cargo thing on back comes off and the backrest was inside. Now I wish the holidays and traffic would go away so I can go get it myself. Not sure if I trust the shippers.
I've had Simon Tack (Tack Trucking) ship my bike from South Louisiana to NJ, and had him pick up the R3 I bought from @idk in MA, and carry it to me. Both bikes arrived safe and sound, for a very reasonable price.
I think people are looking for something "different". I think the Indian fits that bill, as does the Rocket. The Indian is still pretty darned pricey for what you get - you're paying a lot for the name/image. The Rocket gives you something unique and well made and is considerably more affordable. My 2 cents!
I've never had anyone turn up a nose at my Rocket...indeed nothing I've ridden got a complaint from anyone. Certainly there are riders that won't ride anything but what they have. But around here everyone is respectful of what YOU ride. And of course they all want to know more about the Rocket!

Like others I've looked at and considered Indian too, allot of it to be/have something different. I really like the looks of the Indian Vintage but as you say, lots of coin for what you get. Another draw back to Indian, besides lack of Rocket type performance, is the bikes are now Polaris brand, the same company that discontinued Victory. Victory is no longer manufactured which means OEM parts supplies will dry up. Same thing could certainly happen to the Indian line, depending on sales, and it's darn rare to see an Indian on the road, at least around where I Live. On the other hand, there are allot of Vics on the road and Vic got dumped anyways. I'm think'n Polaris could dump Indian at any time.

I could be wrong and it's dang near conspiratorial, but methinks....Polaris wanted bad for Victory to get a slice of Harley's business, it did not do so to the degree they had hoped. They went on trying to establish it as a brand with some cachet...the success of which was variable. (And to my eye, the bikes were becoming ever more distinctive, yet it's slow process after all.) Now, the Stellican concern started the King's Mountain version of Indian, and did so by updating the Gilroy Indians, which were arguably built from catalog parts that might well fit a Harley or any other cruiser. In the grand scheme of things however I think Stellican intended from the beginning to restart the brand....for the umpteenth time, and do it well enough to make a sale to an established manufacturer. Polaris for it's part, never really got rid of it's hope to knock a dent in Harley Davidson, and saw the Indian opportunity as one where they finally have a brand that has built in name and style recognition and respect. And the manufacturing moxie to do mass production. Polaris buys Indian....introduces a slew of nicely made bikes, and Victory withers on the vine. I really think Victory's day was done when the ink was dry on the Indian deal. Not because Victory didn't have something, but because Polaris never really believed in the brand. And after Indian could not support two motorcycle brands adequately. Polaris did to Victory sort of what Harley did to Buell.

I hope for Polaris's sake that they will make and sell Indian bikes for what they are and not specifically to derail any other brand. Put it out there...make it good, and let it do what it does. Triumph for it's part put out the Rocket thinking they could scoop up some Harley customers...only to find out that the Rocket is it's own niche! TO me that's a good thing....Cruisers are an American thing...but nobody can own the basic layout.....anybody can do cruisers....and anybody can make a business of it if they give their bikes something unique.
germ79 one thing about this group is we all love our Rockets, but many of us have other bikes so we are a lot more open minded when it comes to other brands.

The interesting question then becomes which bike that you own gets the most miles in a season?

The Rocket is definitely a niche bike. I think someone posted not too long ago that the total production number of all models is under 28,000. Seeing another Rocket on the road is rare unless there is a gathering of the clan.
I've got three bikes and will happily Rocket gets ten times more miles than the others! Buy one, and hold on to what you have if it is not a burden to do so. Note for yourself, that the others will get ridden, for what they are, but Rocket will be ridden more....for what it is.....amazing!