Grief about owning a British bike?

I have and never had any issues with how I’m perceived with respect to what I least that I’m aware of.
On many occasions I’ve had owners of various brands approach me to ask questions and I feel to simply admire my ride and I return the favour likewise.
For those that turn up their nose because I don’t sport their brand in either make(bike, jacket, belt, underwater, hat, t-shirt....).... don’t give a ****.
Enjoy your experience with your friends new and old and well you get it when it comes to the rest.

If I worried about what other people think, I would have bought a Harley!! One of the reasons I bought the rocket is because it's not a Harley and not a japper!! The older die hard motorcycle guys ( motor heads) have a certain respect for the rocket and triumphs in general! Even though most of them ride Harley's now!!! It's like they are afraid they might like it more?!
Germ, you are obviously a very caring and sensitive individual, that’s good.

I’m very proud my Rocket brethren for the way they are conducting themselves on your thread. :D

No issues for me but I would have to give a sh!t what anyone else thought about my ride.
Hey Germ,
What can I say that these guys haven't already said?
First off , I ride what I like to ride. I think I am a pretty good guy and get along with most. I ride with quite a few HD guys and they are all cool with the R3 and I in fact razz them a little about riding with me and my "Stinkin' old Triumph! They have nothing but respect because of the kind of guys they are. They know I love it and it is probably the only bike that gets as much attention as beautiful girl in a room full of guys! I like being different and unique and they appreciate that tone. I was at a toy run about a 2 weeks ago and there were more than 200 bikes on that run. Quite fun! I cannot tell you how many HD riders came up in the parking lot to ask if they could look at my bike. I am enthusiastic about motorcycles in general and do admire other bikes as well. Bottom line is that mine is unique and I am glad I found a ride of this caliber that makes me happy. :thumbsup:
Hey Germ,
What can I say that these guys haven't already said?
First off , I ride what I like to ride. I think I am a pretty good guy and get along with most. I ride with quite a few HD guys and they are all cool with the R3 and I in fact razz them a little about riding with me and my "Stinkin' old Triumph! They have nothing but respect because of the kind of guys they are. They know I love it and it is probably the only bike that gets as much attention as beautiful girl in a room full of guys! I like being different and unique and they appreciate that tone. I was at a toy run about a 2 weeks ago and there were more than 200 bikes on that run. Quite fun! I cannot tell you how many HD riders came up in the parking lot to ask if they could look at my bike. I am enthusiastic about motorcycles in general and do admire other bikes as well. Bottom line is that mine is unique and I am glad I found a ride of this caliber that makes me happy. :thumbsup:

Mayor's ride at Biketime event. Outta about 200 bikes, who gets their picture in the newspaper :D
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