Greetz from Holland!

A second warm welcome from New Jersey, U.S.A., Michel. Enjoy the ride!
I'll bet that your snow sled is quite the beast, as well!
It is adequate. It is a GSX SE 600. Since I do long trail rides it is fine. The next one will be the same except it will have the 1200 4 stroke.
He!!, I can barely take the wind chill factors of these Winters anymore as a mere ground walker!
Dag Michel, Hartelijk welkom op dit forum. Nu dat je de beste motorfiets in de wereld hebt ben je nu op de beste forum. Geniet van het rijden.
Dag Michel, Hartelijk welkom op dit forum. Nu dat je de beste motorfiets in de wereld hebt ben je nu op de beste forum. Geniet van het rijden.
Geez I must still be able to understand it more than I thought .... I was able to understand that except "Geniet"