Greetz from Holland!

It is adequate. It is a GSX SE 600. Since I do long trail rides it is fine. The next one will be the same except it will have the 1200 4 stroke.
He!!, I can barely take the wind chill factors of these Winters anymore as a mere ground walker! :p
Dear Rocket owners,

I'dlike to introduce myself to this rocket member community.
To start with it, I live in The Netherlands in a small town called Koudekerk aan den Rijn together with my wife and 3 kids. this is a 30 minutes drive to Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague and Utrecht.
I own a rocket now for a month and I'm very satisfied with it. This one will stay longer than the bikes i previous owned:p.
I started with a Guzzi V50 Nato (dutch army). This one broke down on the 3th ride :( in a way that it was unworthiness to fix it.

Then I bought a BMW Rockstar which was a really great bike....this one I had a crash with. Then I bought a Buell 1125R and a couple of months later also a Motoguzzi Centauro V10 (bought very, very sheap).

In the end I interchanged the Buell and Guzzi for the Rocket 3.....and this is the bike i was looking for.
The power of the Buell, the relaxed riding of the Centauro! The sound of the stock pipes are....a bit disappointing if you look at the enormous block. I ordered a couple of performance pipes in the States to fix this ;)...
The reason I want to be a member of this forum is to read your stories, questions, solutions and knowledge of this great bike!

Dag Michel, Hartelijk welkom op dit forum. Nu dat je de beste motorfiets in de wereld hebt ben je nu op de beste forum. Geniet van het rijden.
Dag Michel, Hartelijk welkom op dit forum. Nu dat je de beste motorfiets in de wereld hebt ben je nu op de beste forum. Geniet van het rijden.
Geez I must still be able to understand it more than I thought .... I was able to understand that except "Geniet"