Dear Rocket owners,
I'dlike to introduce myself to this rocket member community.
To start with it, I live in The Netherlands in a small town called Koudekerk aan den Rijn together with my wife and 3 kids. this is a 30 minutes drive to Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague and Utrecht.
I own a rocket now for a month and I'm very satisfied with it. This one will stay longer than the bikes i previous owned

I started with a Guzzi V50 Nato (dutch army). This one broke down on the 3th ride

in a way that it was unworthiness to fix it.
Then I bought a BMW Rockstar which was a really great bike....this one I had a crash with. Then I bought a Buell 1125R and a couple of months later also a Motoguzzi Centauro V10 (bought very, very sheap).
In the end I interchanged the Buell and Guzzi for the Rocket 3.....and this is the bike i was looking for.
The power of the Buell, the relaxed riding of the Centauro! The sound of the stock pipes are....a bit disappointing if you look at the enormous block. I ordered a couple of performance pipes in the States to fix this

The reason I want to be a member of this forum is to read your stories, questions, solutions and knowledge of this great bike!