Greetings from the high rockies of Colorado!

Great bike choice there Forrest...welcome aboard. You gonna love this ride.
Ask away no matter how dumb it may seem to be. We have a great bunch of people here who will leap to your assistance if they can.
I hope you have good mirrors cos that's where you will be watching your buddies on their Henry Di*kenson's..nah, it's good that there is a sprinkling of bikes in your group...everyone has their favorite ride.
Enjoy the forum.
Cheers Tal, Christchurch , New Zealand.
Howdy. Welcome from next door Utah. You are in the right place!
Welcome from western Washington.

Had to look up on the map where that is. Looks to be a stunningly beautiful area. Our daughter and husband live in NE Colorado Springs so I'll be riding CO this summer if all goes well.

And I doubt if your Harley buddies were able to keep up with you on that VTX1800 so the scenery will still look the same on your Rocket, that is, no one in front of you.