Greetings from New England

Hey guys, thanks for the words of welcome. Good to hear from folks all over, and to know there are some other "graying" but still young at heart riders out there. Haven't yet taken to sacrificing fowl or livestock in the hope of bringing on an early spring here in New England. I have made a couple of extra donations to my local parish. Our priest is also a rider. I'm hoping he can be of some help. A lot less cleanup that way.
Hello R3 Owners. My name is Bo and I live in Connecticut. I recently acquired a 2016 R3 Roadster (Phantom Black, red stripes, completely stock), which is now parked next to a 2012 Bonneville T-100 in my 1935 single-car garage. Both bikes have to share that space with a 37-year-old automobile sporting a whale tail. It is getting pretty crowded in there. So far, everyone seems to be getting along fine. I have liked buzzing about on the Bonnie over the past four years, and am really looking forward to roaring around on the Rocket when the weather warms. In the meantime, I continue to make a fool of myself by sitting on the R3 in my garage, occasionally starting it up with the door open, and scaring the hell out my neighbors. But I figure, what the hey, I'm turning 68 next month, and I really don't care what they think. Anyway, thanks for a great website. Have enjoyed reading the stuff you guys post on here, and am glad for the chance to introduce myself.
Welcome, I'm in Danvers MA, we are practically neighbors, love my 2015 R3T
Welcome Bo. Also from Connecticut, love my 2015 R3T also. A lot of good people on this site with all sorts of knowledge and stories. Maybe someday we'll meet up.
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