Greetings from Hampshire, UK

I reckon if he were to leave on Sunday morning, he should make it with a day or two to spare. No harm in trying I suppose

Well i think it's out of order if he don't try brotherhood and all that i mean it ain't that big a deal he's american it's like popping down the shops
Going to be an experience of a life time! Will fly the flag in true Brit style, on my underwear

No doubt will be an experience well jealousy. Can't get more British than the flag on the underware but you know the rules no pics then it didn't happen no wait a minute don't worry about the pics
No doubt will be an experience well jealousy. Can't get more British than the flag on the underware but you know the rules no pics then it didn't happen no wait a minute don't worry about the pics
Already bought the bike cam plus a load of memory cards, plus power pack to keep it running constantly 24/7... Just imagine what will be available to view. Titles of uploads maybe slightly misleading

Already bought the bike cam plus a load of memory cards, plus power pack to keep it running constantly 24/7... Just imagine what will be available to view. Titles of uploads maybe slightly misleading

Better download it to your email and then delete it before you leave otherwise you could have a problem with customs or the CIA