Greetings from Hampshire, UK

Going to be an experience of a life time! Will fly the flag in true Brit style, on my underwear :roll::roll:

No doubt will be an experience well jealousy. Can't get more British than the flag on the underware but you know the rules no pics then it didn't happen no wait a minute don't worry about the pics:whitstling::laugh::laugh::laugh:
No doubt will be an experience well jealousy. Can't get more British than the flag on the underware but you know the rules no pics then it didn't happen no wait a minute don't worry about the pics:whitstling::laugh::laugh::laugh:
Already bought the bike cam plus a load of memory cards, plus power pack to keep it running constantly 24/7... Just imagine what will be available to view. Titles of uploads maybe slightly misleading :roll::roll:
Already bought the bike cam plus a load of memory cards, plus power pack to keep it running constantly 24/7... Just imagine what will be available to view. Titles of uploads maybe slightly misleading :roll::roll:

Better download it to your email and then delete it before you leave otherwise you could have a problem with customs or the CIA:eek::laugh::laugh::laugh: