Got around to it

I will be fitting one of Paul's complete systems soon !!!!!!! :):):)
On @The Kiwi Mal's bike not mine unfortunately:(, looking forward to having some of his **** to play with :D then retune Mal's Blood and Bone Classic to really lift er skirt :cool:, had a busy weekend, I retuned @Richard 5 Touring, I thought it might be wise to check his TPS by doing the "Adjust ISCV" and no surprise the setting were out a touch, it was still running OK when he bought it down here but it just shows that it pays to do the "adjust ISCV" when ever you have the TuneECU connected and enjoyed watching the grin on his face after he came back from a test ride then did a little bit of tinkering on Mal's bike (just some of the little upgrades we have done with more in the pipeline) as he was down for one of his overnight visits, he came bearing some Awsome Venison steaks (Not the first time he has done this) and some nice Lamb chops so we had a BBQ dinner with some salad and helped down with a nice Red (A great evening) which Mal also bought down, Sunday morning we jacked up his bikes rear end and pulled the drive housing to grease his splines cursing and swearing and got it back in, so now we are just waiting om the Zort and a chromed water pump cover then All maintenance will be down for a while, So for those wondering if I miss my Rocket the answer is Yes but also No as I still get to tinker on Mals bike and other that visit for a retune, overall a very Satisfying weekend :)

"Adjust ISCV" huh...(runs off to grab laptop and bike to find this new thing)
What's with this brake fluid reservoir? o_O Your confusing me. What was wrong with the original and why didn't you just replace it with the stock one?:unsure: And why, would (what fluid) be burnt?
I posted the brake reservoir because of complaints that Paul's system gets so hot that it burns the brake fluid. As you can see that is not always the case. This is the original brake reservoir.:):):):):)
Ah, that explains Paul's response. I misunderstood your post. I thought your reservoir had been relocated and was exited that there might be a kit out there I could get ahold of.
Well here you go folks
2,500 miles later fluid ain't burnt.
Just a bit of clearance
Rode #amn near all day two up on slow moving poker run in 90 degree heat and no burns or heat issues. Just thought I would post some pics of the clearance on Paul's exhaust system while cleaning the bike.

Wife said I should have got my boots on because I look like a Ignorant RED NECK with my pants rolled up and my vacation shoes on. :eek::eek::eek::eek::D:D:D:D She might be right. Well time to go drink some more BEER and give her a good Wax. The bike not the wife. :roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll: Maybe a bit later:evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil: Hope my comments do not offend any sponsors,:sneaky::sneaky::sneaky::sneaky::sneaky::sneaky::sneaky::sneaky::sneaky::sneaky::sneaky::sneaky:

Gratitude for the pix!
Paul's headers do have more leg clearance than my CES.
Still waiting on a dyno comparo . . . .
So far no luck on finding a tuner in Oklahoma that knows Tune ECU. Joking aside Washington is really not that far away. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D

I have made ride to Enid,OK where I have a Cuz that rides, a few times myself.
If you choose to brave the trip, I can provide a storage/bedroom with a comfy queen that is an hour or less ride to the Guru, Nels Byersdorf owner of Two Wheel Dyno Works.
2 Wheel DynoWorks
PS: If you contact Nels, be sure and tell him Steve Stockinger from Tacoma sent you - it may get you a better price.
This fellow is magic and your results will be well worth the trip!
Several others here have followed my advice and all are delighted.
Looking around the first part of Oct. Once I get the days off from work and actually dates I will let you know. Appreciate the offer and will take you up on that. ;););););) From Enid to your place how many hours does it take?
Looking around the first part of Oct. Once I get the days off from work and actually dates I will let you know. Appreciate the offer and will take you up on that. ;););););) From Enid to your place how many hours does it take?

1900 miles and according to Google 29 hours drive time.
Likely 4 days at 500 mi per day.
As I said your time here, the bedroom is free.