Good Luck...

I don't think Jim plays with TuneECU much if at all. Steel had his computer there with TuneECU loaded and he did look at it a bit, but didn't do anything with ignition timing that I'm aware of. I am satisfied that my bike is running reasonably well and I'm not in danger of melting a piston or something, but I would be lying if I said that I'm not a little disappointed that for some reason my bike in North Texas makes ~ 15HP / 15ft/lbs less than a nearly identical bike in OZ. 15HP isn't the be all end all but I was surprised. During the first pull Jim made with my bike the sniffer showed A/F mixture was WAY rich down low and WAY lean higher in the RPM I'm glad that part is sorted. On a more positive note I got 35.6 MPG on the way home from Dallas riding ~ 80 MPH on the interstate
I do have Tune ECU, and he said he knew how to use it and I should bring my cable if I had one. I brought my laptop and cable but he didn't try to adjust anything with it.

I did the firmware update but it still seems to be jumping ahead then back, but I'm not able to go to the same screen he was. I guess his tuning software is more advanced than the free download from their website.
Steel, I just had a lot of trouble with a R3 which came in the door. Same sort of trouble you described with the jumping of the tracer cell etc. I found the person who fitted the Pc V had not plugged in the plug which goes to the crankshaft position sensor. I fitted it up and hey presto, was able to tune it perfectly. Might be worth a look to see if yours is plugged in properly or at all. Cheers Nev
I will be home Friday. I will check on that. Thanks very much.
Just FYI -
Nels Byersdorf used tune ECU exclusively and I brought nothing except the motor.
He disconnected my PCV+AT.

I use allsorts depending on what the guy has. This owner had the PCV on the bike, but that was the problem. What is done to yours with 150hp?
Just FYI -
Nels Byersdorf used tune ECU exclusively and I brought nothing except the motor.
He disconnected my PCV+AT.

Hi 1olbull,

If I remember correctly you have a CES exhsust and RamAir filter, correct? I'm looking at that set up for my '09 standard and was wondering if Nels adjusted your timing with Tune ECU or just the fueling?

Hi 1olbull,

If I remember correctly you have a CES exhsust and RamAir filter, correct? I'm looking at that set up for my '09 standard and was wondering if Nels adjusted your timing with Tune ECU or just the fueling?


Correctamundo - EXCEPT, that I run trip K&Ns.