"Good Looking" Handlebar Mounted USB Power Sources??

where would that acessory outlet be placed on the R3T? is there a set place for it or is it an anywhere the dealer can fit it kinda thing?
This is from the installation instructions. looks like it goes on the panel below the seat.
Screenshot 2015-11-29 02.20.16.png
where would that acessory outlet be placed on the R3T? is there a set place for it or is it an anywhere the dealer can fit it kinda thing?

The factory power outlet does NOT use a standard cigarette lighter adaptor. It uses a DIN plug you can get cords from Powerlet. It allows you charge battery
where would that acessory outlet be placed on the R3T? is there a set place for it or is it an anywhere the dealer can fit it kinda thing?

Go to this. BestRest Products, LLC - BMW Style Power Socket
8$ for the same din that triumph sells for 25$. They also have a full array of din adapters and plugs that you can make your own adapters with.

The best place to charge your bike is thru that din outlet!
I recently installed the Eklipes Cobra except mine is chrome, I haven't used it yet though, I just wanted to be ready for some day long rides.... I also have the RamMount for my IPhone, I use it everyday because I use my phone as a speedometer, the mount works great
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how does charging your battery through the accessory plug work?

The plug is constantly hot so you can back feed with a trickle charger at this point.

Get a charger usually comes with an sae connector.

Get a din outlet and a din plug and make you own adapter, looks like this.
Hi everybody.
I am looking for handlebar mounted USB power outlet options to charge my phone that is both reliable and good looking. I have found a lot of options that are waterproof but not visually pleasing, looking more like something that I would have seen installed on my vehicle when I was still in the Army.

I am trying to possibly find something in chrome like the bullet-style Kuryakyn cigarette lighter charger, especially since I do not want to fuss around with CLA adaptors that can vibrate out of the socket. The only nice looking option that I have seen has been the EKLIPES dula 12V and usb "chrome" accessory, but I have read a lot of reviews talking about the poor craftsmanship and quality.

I have a CTek port for charging on my bike now, if worse comes to worse I will always run a long extension line under the gas tank and plug in my CTek CLA adaptor and tie if off somewhere in front. Of course I would much rather have a good-looking option!

Does anybody out there have any possible suggestions that be good quality as we as looking good mounted on my bike?

I have a EKLiPES Cobra. It's been through some major rain and still works great good rubber cover. I agree looks a little on the cheap side, but better on the handle bars.