Going to Wayne's Shop


Nov 16, 2010
Del City Ok
2023 Triumph R3 GT, 2022 Moto Guzzi V85TT,
After a lot of time on the phone, calling shops ion OKC, Tulsa , and the DFW area, I have decided that the MC world would fold if it was not for the Power commander.
I kept getting the same answer >> We work on American V twins. There were a few that did work on ****** rockets, but all said they would not remap our type of ECU.
A couple of folks in Tulsa were real nice and honest. One told me that some shops would install the PC , but then install one of the stock maps. Had that happen to me on a Moto Guzzi Quota.
I wanted to find decent shop in a relative short distance, that I could rely on. With that option gone and my knowledge of the procedures being close to that of a piss ant, I decided that I would be better off going the 700 miles to Wayne's.
The wife is going to ride her trike. We are going to take in a BMW rally on the way to see some old friends, then do some sight seeing while in Birmingham . That way it will be more than a grind to get there and a rind to get home.
..good show then..did I help talk ya into it with this post?..
I'm 14 hours from Wayne..I went..you're 12..make an appointment..it's worth the wait..

and while there, plan a visit to Barber Motorsports..you'll like it.
..good show then..did I help talk ya into it with this post?.. ..lol..

and while there, plan a visit to Barber Motorsports..you'll like it.
To be honest I ran out of acceptable options. Next step would have been Houston , or New Orleans. They are almost as far as Wayne.
Plan to see the MC & foundry museums while we are there.
while you're there with Wayne,
have him give ya a tutorial on this tune ECU thing,
heck since you're goin' sight seeing anyway
and will probably have a camera handy,
just make a video of how he does his magic.
I'd love to learn the intricacies of it,
a tutorial video would help all us computer illiterates.
I thought I read on the forums lately that Wayne was closing up shop?
Also some one up in Minesota tuned Ty's blower bike with tune boy. Not to cut Wayne out I get check ups when ever I go by his place its a great excuse to see him.