Give Blood Ride 13th July in Brisbane

Great Pictures Mitch, Looks like you guys had a great time, dam shame I don't live closer (14 hours away just a teeny bit far)
Great Pictures Mitch, Looks like you guys had a great time, dam shame I don't live closer (14 hours away just a teeny bit far)

Well we will have to give you extra notice so you can make it next time.
Well we will have to give you extra notice so you can make it next time.
Don't worry I thought about taking some leave and coming up for a good cause not to mention Good Company but you only get so much leave and 10 days a year are taken with Phillip Island each year so I have to be careful to ration the rest of my leave so I can get away with Ann somewhere as well.
Hans I tried really hard to provoke a few Harley riders with my zero pork shirt on .no responses yet but at least we're out there .mitzy had his on to . I felt pretty safe I had my martial arts expert by my side eh Mitch
Hans I tried really hard to provoke a few Harley rides with my zero pork shirt on .no responses yet but at least we're out there .mitzy had his on to . I felt pretty safe I had my martial arts expert by my side eh Mitch

Ozrider had his on too.