Give Blood Ride 13th July in Brisbane

Great Pictures Mitch, Looks like you guys had a great time, dam shame I don't live closer (14 hours away just a teeny bit far) :D
Great Pictures Mitch, Looks like you guys had a great time, dam shame I don't live closer (14 hours away just a teeny bit far) :D

Well we will have to give you extra notice so you can make it next time.:rolleyes:
Well we will have to give you extra notice so you can make it next time.:rolleyes:
Don't worry I thought about taking some leave and coming up for a good cause not to mention Good Company but you only get so much leave and 10 days a year are taken with Phillip Island each year so I have to be careful to ration the rest of my leave so I can get away with Ann somewhere as well. :D
Hans I tried really hard to provoke a few Harley riders with my zero pork shirt on .no responses yet but at least we're out there .mitzy had his on to . I felt pretty safe I had my martial arts expert by my side eh Mitch;):eek:
Hans I tried really hard to provoke a few Harley rides with my zero pork shirt on .no responses yet but at least we're out there .mitzy had his on to . I felt pretty safe I had my :eek:martial arts expert by my side eh Mitch;)

Ozrider had his on too.