Getting older


Oct 13, 2014
Vicksburg Michigan
08 Rocket Touring, 15 Rocket Touring
I spent the day working on the exterior of my home. I pointed up a few grout spots on one of my fireplace chimneys. Kind of a pain in the a—. Then I got my backpack blower and climbed on the roof. A couple of the roof valleys had leaf debis . Once I blew off the roof, I took a break. I went to the local grocery store. We were low on water softener salt, so I bought six bags.
Now I want all of you to use your imagination. I’m 6’2” tall, kind of fat and 61 years young. I had to back my pickup up to the salt pallets. I went to the back of the truck and lowered the tailgate. As I’m looking for the salt marked rust preventer or Iron out. Along come a young man who must have been 6’6” tall. Probably good for 240 lbs. BIG MAN. He looks at me, sizes me up and asked,” hey mister, can I help you with those bags?”....
I swear to all of you reading this, I felt like a 90 yr. old man!!! It sure sucks getting older.
I'm also 6'2", not fat, and significantly older than you. This pandemic has given me an excuse to have my water softener salt delivered from Home Depot. At least I told the wife it was because of the pandemic.