Geezer patch

Hey Skip, no patches yet. When did they go out into the mail? Not sure how long it takes to get to New England.
I mailed them out Saturday March 5th,
so I figure they probably really left the post office
Monday the 7th.
Should have 'em tomorrow or the day after I guess.
If they don't come in,
just let me know and I'll get some more in the mail.

Still need a few address' .
I'll get a list together and get it posted
for the ones I haven't mailed out yet,
because my secretarial skills are severely lacking, an bookkeeping is worse...

Seriously, let me know in a couple of days if they don't come in
and I'll get some more on their way.

Here's the UNmailed geezer patch list.
If you have already got them, and your name is on this list,
it's because I couldn't connect the dots between your handle here,
and the paypal info, so please let me know, so I quit worrying about it.
IF, on the other hand, your name is on the list, and you've already sent payment,
It's because I didn't have the details in the paypal info.
Boys, I'm trying, I'm really trying, I've got 2 here now, I just figured out,
they're going to the post office as soon as I post this here.
anyway, here's the list of handles I have, that I don't have an address for.
if you'll please e-mail me at
Telling me your handle, name, and a mailing address,
I'll get em on their way, and I offer my apologies for not being sharper.
Thanks for understanding.

1) canberraR3
2) scotInExile (hand deliver in MV)
3) Ksquared
4) HD2Rocket3
5) Dracul
6) Phil
7) bcbatman
8 ) Bohica
9) R3Guy
10) R32010
11) FredF
12) RocketRottie
13) Navigator
14) mellowman

if you name isn't listed above,
then your geezer patches are either already there, or on their way.
If you don't get them in a few days,
just let me know and we'll check my info on where I mailed them to,
correct it if necessary, and get you some more on the way.
I want to make sure EVERYBODY gets what they paid for and requested.
again, please e-mail me at
if you have any questions, concerns, or just want to chew me out for incompetence,
as I KNOW I've had some of the address' in the past.
I try to shred everybodies personal info as soon as I know they got what they ordered,
It's YOUR personal info, and I don't keep it long,
so sometimes it just gets shredded by mistake.
My bad, I've said it before, I need a secretary.
but with your cooperation and understanding,
we'll get it worked through, and tended to.
Thanks guys,
skip got mine today as usaul they look great and the raa pins also thanks
dont know if any of u noticed but if u turn the pix upside down u get a different looking old man
dont know if any of u noticed but if u turn the pix upside down u get a different looking old man

Cute! For the under 50s perhaps...


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