Geezer patch

Ok, here's the latest news.
Here's what we're getting.

I just ordered them.
I revised the opening post and included my mailing address and e-mail for paypal
if some want to use that.
They're $5.00 each, (as usual)
If ya'll would kindly check the opening list and make sure what I have you down for,
is indeed what you want, I'd appreciate it.
If you'd like removed from the list, just let me know,
I know some liked the first and second "proofs" better, so I understand.
But it is what it is and the majority rules,
so no hard feelings either way.
If you'd like, you can send your mailing address to my e-mail address at, just please put "geezer patch" in the title,
so I'll know it's not spam.
You'd be surprised how much spam you get when you post your e-mail on websites,,,
no big deal, just don't want to delete anybodies address by accident.
put your name AND your handle in your e-mail so I'll know who is who.
I'm not that sharp guys.
we should have them in a couple of weeks.
One other thing.
I'll remove your name from the list when I have conformation you got your patches,
that way nobody will ever know you admitted to actually being an "old Geezer".
Thanks for the help in bringing this together an making a killer lookin' patch.
Skip, money sent. $21.00 for 4 patches. Let me know that you got it and the shipping address is on it. I sent it paypal. Shipping? I sent 1 buck. Advise.
Thanks in advance.
How much for him to do another run for I know some people that woould want them. What's his minimum order?
I asked about breaking it up into two orders of 50 each.
50 of the first proof and 50 of the final one.
They said no.
Said they'd make 1 if that's what I wanted,
but it was the same price as 100,
so I opted for the 100 deal.
So basically 100 count minimum.
I did order some extras cause we're already up to 89 I think I counted
between both sites.
So I ordered 200 cause folks always end up wanting another or two,
but 60, that's a first, an I'll sure send em to ya if you really want 60 of them.
that still leaves 40 or 50 extra to tend to everybody that comes along an wants one or two.
Heck if we run out, we'll order some more.
Hey Skip

You will be getting my payment thru snailmail from me Skip, make sure you put my 2 patches aside so they dont get lost!
They will be going to Canada so I will be sending you an extra $3 to cover the postage.
Big thank you Skip for all your hard work.