Geezer patch

you're the same age as me then.
Ain't to bad is it? I got you down for 2 BTW.
I'm enjoying this over 50 thing,
if the snow would only melt so I could get a ride or two in.

here's what I think I'm gonna tell em Monday for the next revision.
Replace the "old" with "over", I like that idea.
Put the Rocket III on top and color it RED.
Maybe the bottom letters too.
Hey, it's a work in progress, its a proof,
we can still change what we want to.
Let me know what you want here guys.
Thought about a bottom rocker for it saying over 60, over 70,
with the same little dude on it and the "over 60" off to his side,
but it is cost prohibitive, the rockers are as much as the patch.
so I figured just change the "old" to "over" like someone suggested.
So it'll read "I may be over 50 but I ain't slow".
That's pretty all inclusive don't you think.
I will take two Skip and thanks for posting here. 54 soon to be 55, hope to turn 55 on the first day of Biketoberfest in Daytona.
My pleasure Josey,
i'll sure put you down for two right now.
Any suggestions for it?
I'm fixin to go shovel the driveway and get ole betty warmed up,
suppose to be above freezing today, and the roads are clear.
It may not be Spring, but I GOTTA get out an Ride.
I'm going stir crazy.