slick rick
Hey mate, fuel up in Perth/Wubin/paynes find [ optional]/mt magnet/meeka/kumarina. expect 240 km from 20 litres, you have 24.With your Roadster, only use 91 fuel. leave Perth before 6am...not much wildlife till you hit Wubin. It will be daylight by then. Should be able to cruise 120-140 kmph after that.Watch for coppers around Dally and Magnet, just before Meeka too. Paynes/meeka and kumarina are not open 24hrs. Don't travel at night...way too much wildlife including cattle/roo's/camels/donkeys plus roadkill, from the Roadtrains ect. Perth to Newmans only 1136 km.....I normally cut this out in under 14 hrs in a triple Roadtrain, breaks included. You should do it in 12/13hrs.6-7pm. Best place for a shower is the Shell in Meeka.Best food is BP Wubin, BP Cue. Yes ,we've met, sort bought your bike from Lloyds and I asked about it via the Triumph rocket 3 page on FB. Travel safe.