G'day Aussies - may need a bit of help....

Having grown up in Southern Africa, I have in fact tasted roasted pachyderms... Would not try again, too chewy. :whitstling:
I have eaten Hefalump in the Kruger - and others at "The Train" restaurant near Jo-Burg. I agree - chewy. But nice flavour. I had family in SA but they moved to Kiwi (or is it now Hobbit?) -land. My cousins husband is a Rhodesian-born SA National - Only NZ or Canada would let him in. My cousins all had British passports despite being African born.

I suppose it's easier to eat stewed - but I prefer dry (jerk type) meat to stews etc. Got charged by a pointy nosed mummy pachyderm in the Kruger too - baby with her. Managed to see all the big 5. I really do love "wild" places. The fewer "bipeds" the better.

But they're best seen in herds at a distance like from the top of the Ngorogoro crater. Something very majestic. Was part of the centennial climb of Kilimanjaro in 1989 and we went to the crater afterwards. Charged by big bull flappy eared pachyderm on the way there. Seems he thought the Nissan bus was going to rape his harem. I liked Tanzania. Was easier to speak German than English though.

There are a couple of pachyderm things on my Bucket list - one is to see the Namib desert hefalumps.
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I have eaten Hefalump in the Kruger - and others at "The Train" restaurant near Jo-Burg. I agree - chewy. But nice flavour. I had family in SA but they moved to Kiwi (or is it now Hobbit?) -land. My cousins husband is a Rhodesian-born SA National - Only NZ or Canada would let him in. My cousins all had British passports despite being African born.

I suppose it's easier to eat stewed - but I prefer dry (jerk type) meat to stews etc. Got charged by a pointy nosed mummy pachyderm in the Kruger too - baby with her. Managed to see all the big 5. I really do love "wild" places. The fewer "bipeds" the better.

But they're best seen in herds at a distance like from the top of the Ngorogoro crater. Something very majestic. Was part of the centennial climb of Kilimanjaro in 1989 and we went to the crater afterwards. Charged by big bull flappy eared pachyderm on the way there. Seems he thought the Nissan bus was going to rape his harem. I liked Tanzania. Was easier to speak German than English though.

There are a couple of pachyderm things on my Bucket list - one is to see the Namib desert hefalumps.

Haha!! No kidding!! Thats fantastic.. Thats exactly where I ate my Pachyderms too, at "The Train!" Along with Zebra, Giraffe and Mopani Worms in Orange Sauce. Thats so funny, I've never met anyone else who has eaten at the Train. I was born in Johannesburg, I moved to Canada in 1994. I am assuming you are a big fan of Biltong then if you like the dried jerky type of meat. I am hoping one day to take my new wife to the Kruger national park one day to experience the charging pachyderms too lol. Very cool :thumbsup::thumbsup:
I am assuming you are a big fan of Biltong then if you like the dried jerky type of meat.
The guy who took me though the Kruger had a bloody great bag of it in his car - snacked on it all day. We washed it down with "Castle" - no "Lion". Then again he was from Lesotho.