Gas Range and Mileage Remaining

On my previous R3T, the fuel gauge would go dead after tuning the ECU or battery removal for storage. It would take quite a while for the averaging circuit to recharge and the gauge work again. Lots of folks thought there were faults.
You tried it?
I ended up riding 11 miles past empty to get to a gas station when in central Cali. I was sweating billets the whole way as we were two up with luggage, and coasting down every hill with clutch pulled in. I finally found a gas station as we entered Santa Maria, total mileage 211 miles, tank took 6.1 gallons to fill. Any further and my pretty pillion would of been pushing
My 2010 Touring has at least 25-30 miles past zero
Reactions: MIG
Wow. Sorry. What is tank capacity? You don't have the 2.5l?
6.3 gallons (US) = 23.85 liters. Wow, that's a big tank. Only 4.8 gallons on the GT. It says 32 MPG but WOT riding destroys that.
Specs show 24 liters on the roadster, I really don’t know why they went for smaller tank on the new machine. It makes no sense