Ha! Welcome to the forum Bigblock

Reading your laundry list of mods is like reading my receipts from the shop. I'm currently trapped, Rocketless, as they put the Triple K&Ns and PC5 on and powder coat my wheels. My Jardines are on order (should be another week or 2). I have a Corbin Fast Gun being built for me now, and a Chin Fairing on the way from Custom-Sculpt.com. If I don't self destruct from impatience first, I'll finally post some pics of my bike when I get it "finished" ('course then there's paint, maybe a slight riser kit, suspension upgrade, headlamps... mumble... mumble)

I haven't bought many fiddly bits yet, but I have the Triumph Heated Grip kit (New York gets brisk in the winter) and I'm planning to replace as many little plastic pieces as I can (brake line clip that never holds, control line guides, etc.)

Just a note, I don't think it'll hurt you to have the PC5 with Auto Tune, especially if you buy it first and do the rest of your mods in stages, but if you're planning to do all the work at once and Dyno anyway you might just be throwing away $300 on the AT unit.
Sounds like you'll have a nice setup. I'd like to see the pix when you get it up n running. I'm not decided on going PC4+AT or TuneECU. The former is more expensive but it's good for doing real-time adjustments and if future mods are done. Plus, it'll initially save on doing a full dyno. The latter is cheaper though, but lacks the AT feature. Anyway, I'm still researching and gathering info to decide what the heck I'm gonna do. So much to digest!
Sounds like you'll have a nice setup. I'd like to see the pix when you get it up n running. I'm not decided on going PC4+AT or TuneECU. The former is more expensive but it's good for doing real-time adjustments and if future mods are done. Plus, it'll initially save on doing a full dyno. The latter is cheaper though, but lacks the AT feature. Anyway, I'm still researching and gathering info to decide what the heck I'm gonna do. So much to digest!

TuneECU has some nice features, like opening the secondaries and downloading a tune someone else created. However, unless you know of a dyno tuner with a lot of experience tuning with this program, don't count on it. The learning curve for dyno tuning is steep and expensive.

The Power Commander on the other hand is widely used by any tuner with a DynoJet dyno. If you go this route, use TuneECU to open the secondaries 100% in all gears before having it tuned.
Sounds like Bigblockrocket is a gunna, gunna get a PC5+AT, gunna get Tune ECU gunna get triple filters, gunna remove the secodaries, gunna buy a R3R???????