Fuel tank distance

OOOPS.....should have specified I am talking about "US Gallons" in all the above! Cheers!
Cheers for the reply and I think I have worked out my distance on a full tank . It's around 300klm with still a couple of Ltrs to spare . They are an awsome bike to ride and go hard , I've got the 08 mod and need to do something with the exhaust, not loud enough any suggestions?
2.50 over here. I'm glad it's down from $4.50 like it was a few years ago but would love to see it at .75 like I was in High School.
I starting thinking about fuel at 150 miles before the light comes on...that leaves about 35 more miles on reserve. It also depends on how full you fill your tank. If you really load it up you can do a little better. On the highway, I could probably do 200 miles or more if I had to depending on how fast I drive. I lost about 20 miles per tank (no big deal) when I put the Powertripp tune on. Always a trade off for better performance.

I ran mine down the other night as low as I ever have with the fuel light on as an experiment. I believe I was at around 168 miles and it took 5.15 gallons. Reserve said I had about 30 more miles. Note: I don't believe in running out of fuel and I make no excuses for it...for anyone. Hard on the engine and hard on your fuel pump. At a 150 miles my butt needs a break anyway.
Bedifferent, you are right about "how you fill the tank". I just fitted 1" longer shocks and 240/55 Exedra Max rear tire, and Progressive fork springs, so the bike is leaning over further on the side stand than it used to. It caught me out yesterday, I ran out of fuel within sight of a gas station (but had a spare quart with me). The fill to just below the brim, on the side stand, was 6.0 gallons, which is 1/3 gallon less than with the stock tire and suspension. That makes a big difference since I like to fill up when I have less than a gallon left. My daily commute is 66 miles, and I don't want to fill up every 2 days. In the short term I will sit the bike upright for the last part of the fill, shut the fuel door before leaning it back on the stand. A longer side stand is in the bike's future, but I'll wait until after fitting the shorter 140/75 front tire, so I know the right thickness of foot to add.
You can probably get anywhere from 24 to 42 mpg - and that is on the little gallons in the USA. There are a lot of variables, including altitude and attitude.

Those "little gallons" are now your gallons, citizen!
The most I've pumped in with the engine still running is 6.2 US gallons. I've never run out dry. The most miles on a fill up I've ridden was 246. That fill up took 5.5.

You should NEVER fill your fuel tank while engine is running!!!
Shame, shame, shame!