Just as an aside re Octane - my recent acquisition was a 2018 Indian Roadmaster. Read the manual and it said 91 Octane. So I put 91 Octane in it as I've done for 40+ years and half a dozen bikes (I've never NEEDED to put higher octane fuel in any of my vehicles because they didn't ping or knock, and given it's so much more expensive.....). Now, the issue is that Octane is measured in different ways depending on where you are. After the first fill, the bike ran like a tractor, I got engine misfire codes on the Ride Command system, had no acceleration and was generally just yuk. Did some Googling, got to the closest auto parts store and put in some octane booster. $34NZD and 150kms later, all of a sudden, he woke up and said, 'here I am' and started purring as before. The engine light also went out! So, in the manual it called for 91 (R + M/2 method). Our pumps show the 'RON' on the pump (who knew?) so 91 here is equivalent to your 87 Regular. There's a table on Wikipedia that shows the comprarisons. I needed to use 98 Super which is the equivalent of your 91. All going well now. I quickly ensured that my Touring's fuel was correct after that!

(It uses 91 as measured in NZ)