Fuel pump relay R3T 08

the receptors are all the same the 5 pin will fit/replace any of the relays with out modifying
only use relays with out resistor in case of emergency
relays with out resistor can spike voltage and take out ecu.
i have had relays knock the $hit out of me (like a spark plug wire)
i would not add resistors to the triumph wiring. jmo

correction it was solenoids that sapped me
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Thanks, at least I'll have an extra 4 pin and 5 pin for emergency should be enough, doubt more than 1 will go at the same time, I ordered 1 starter and 2 4 pin/w resistor's and I only need 1- 4 pin now, fuel pump, and I'll have 8 without resistors for chance in emergency, anybody want some emergency relays, I should have 8- 4 pin coming in today I was going to cancel but figured what the heck, 8 for $26 I can probably do something with them, put them on a shelf and hopefully they stay there thanks for the reply buddy and keep it in the lines and away from hard objects GL
Its starter relay, i fixed after i wrote flasher, i had been corrected before on that,
Its starter relay, i fixed after i wrote flasher, i had been corrected before on that,
Yeah I accidentally wrote solenoid, I meant starter ( relay) my bad, thanks for all your help guys, glad I joined the group last year, learned a lot from reading, I posted a lot trying to help others too, great tool, ah oh I better not say tool, it usually makes me go on a shopping spree
So glad I found the rocket when looking to get back into it too, very happy with the bike too, I was just looking for the biggest motor I could get, I googled it, and this came up, talk about dumb luck, nice chatting with you guys, Rocket ON
Wow, that's one of the dumbest things I've ever heard.
Why don't you enlighten us on what you mean, is it that the flasher relay was stated before your quote as being in with the Speedo that's the dumbest thing you've ever hear, you sound very wet behind the ears, wait a few years you'll hear a lot dumber things, and no it's not a put down to say you are younger, I wish I was younger and be able to do some of the dumbest things you could ever dream of, it's been a long road, but I wouldn't change anything, got a great son and daughter that think I'm the best thing sense peanut butter and jelly, what more can you ask for, but to die fast with a smile on my face, or buried in some strange tw*tá. Ride hard, lie longer, and keep it up forever!!! Enjoy

Easy, why are you attacking me? My point was a flasher rely, buried in a speedo and being unreplaceable is just dumb, poor engineering on the part of the company.
Easy, why are you attacking me? My point was a flasher rely, buried in a speedo and being unreplaceable is just dumb, poor engineering on the part of the company.
I'm sorry I thought you were calling me or a fellow R3 lover DUMB my bad, but trust me you learn more with age, it's not exactly always like wine, if you drink it too fast you may not remember things that happened the night before no damage buddy, just playing with you, I have nothing else better to do at this moment, at my job, and if I told you what my title is, you still would probably be scratching your head no harm intended here either Enjoy, live and let live Free and don't go there either!!
And yes I agree there's too much dumb going around, just look at the crook's in charge and Free to get away with it and hide behind... Well you know what I really don't want to spell it out or think about it now.
Easy, why are you attacking me? My point was a flasher rely, buried in a speedo and being unreplaceable is just dumb, poor engineering on the part of the company.

That's because it's not really a relay but a circuit and program that uses time and distance to control signal.