Fuel mixture problem

Mark Rieger

Standard Bore
Apr 5, 2016

Ok so my 2009 Triumph Rocket 3 roadster had been of the road in the garage for years due to it being stuck in third gear. Did not have the money to fix it finally took it to be repaired. So bolt replacedwith lock tight. No spark at the plugs ECU not working replaced that. Still not running only on tick over injectors removed and professionally cleaned and tested.
Fuel injectors ok
Fuel pump pressure is good but still will only run on tick over.
Seems there is a weak fuel mixture.
HELP Any ideas how to resolve this issue or what the problem could be ??
Definite a weird problem
i am also fighting a prob that is similar to this.
i would suggest u hook up a 12volt test light clamp to positive bat terminal and probe to #2 ground (the easiest to get at)
when the ecu grounds the coil the test light should light (flash every time the ecu grounds the coil.
videos realy help us out.
the fuel rail may be packed with crud or filter/pump
u can have good pressure and still not enough gas to run.