Fuel gauge.

Question. Does the ROADSTER fuel level sensor feed the display directly (as it did on the pre-roadster accessory fuel gauge) OR does the ECU supply the display input via CanBus?

Think it goes through ECU, as you can see it's voltage in TuneECU/TuneBoy/Triumph diagnostics

I reckon the ECU sees the voltage and takes an average reading to convert to "level" report to the display on the tacho every few mins.
Hi Sonny. Don’t know much about auto electrics. But I let my battery go flat back in December and after charging battery back up the fuel gauge was dead as a dodo. Rode it a few miles and it came back to life. I think it’s a common problem according to this forum. Anyhoo, best of luck. Cheers Tim
Just bought a laptop.( Last one crap3d out) Got Tune ECU loaded and ready. A few more beers and should be good to go. One way or the other will find the problem and get it fixed. Don't really need it but even at 41,000 miles i want every thing to work. irritates the hell out of me when it don't.
Plus you are not missing much the Triumph fuel gauge is about as accurate as an Englishman telling his wife how long his johnson is.
Unlike most Scottish wives English wives know how long it is and don't need a zoom lens to find it!
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First thing you did check was the leverarm inside the tank. Second , you also did check the connectors and its connections?
Checked yesterday. Everything is getting juice but bar graph on odometer is not working. No error codes found. Low fuel light will come on. Makes no sense at all.
Checked yesterday. Everything is getting juice but bar graph on odometer is not working. No error codes found. Low fuel light will come on. Makes no sense at all.
I had a similar problem. After removing both battery terminals and replacing them on the next ride the fuel gauge had returned. Not sure why maybe magic