Fuel Gauge R3C?


.020 Over
Jun 10, 2009
Aurora CO
Good morning, I'm thinking of getting the fuel gauge fro the R3C, the look nice on the bikes i have seen with them but i hear (or read) that there is a calibration issue with those, anyone has any experience with these issues? Any words of wisdom?
Don't bother....

It's the same sending unit that turns on your low-gas warning light. Use the tried/true method. When you hit 130 miles on the odometer, get some gas.
It's different riding in the West.

There is a sign at the south end of Death Valley that says 'Next gas 142 miles'. Wouldn't you like to know how much you have left?
Wouldn't care... because I wouldn't be riding IN A DESERT!

Even with the gas gauge, you still wouldn't know how much you have left because unless

  • you've either been lucky enough to get one of the few floats that's actually calibrated correctly or
  • you've disassembled your gas tank and calibrated the float yourself
You'd still be screwed.

Sorry... channeling BusaJack ....